domenica 2 agosto 2015

Oxford Master Series in Physics

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Ultimo Aggiornamento: 2 Agosto 2015

Oxford Master Series in Physics is a superb textbook series, designed for final year undergraduate and beginning graduate students.

Oxford Master Series in Physics is unique. Each title:

- Spans the gap between existing undergraduate texts and more advanced monographs

- Offers a fundamental introduction and provides background material

- Suggests additional topics for further research, and references to the current literature

- Includes numerous examples, illustrations, revision points, problem sets and tutorial material


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Ultimo Aggiornamento: 2 Agosto 2015

Universitext is a series of textbooks that presents material from a wide variety of mathematical disciplines at master’s level and beyond. The books, often well class-tested by their author, may have an informal, personal even experimental approach to their subject matter. Some of the most successful and established books in the series have evolved through several editions, always following the evolution of teaching curricula, to very polished texts.

Thus as research topics trickle down into graduate-level teaching, first textbooks written for new, cutting-edge courses may make their way into Universitext.

Grande Atlante di Architettura

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Ultimo Aggiornamento: 2 Agosto 2015

I volumi del Grande Atlante di Architettura costituiscono, nel loro insieme, una completa guida alla progettazione. Gli argomenti sono trattati sotto ogni punto di vista: cenni storici, approfonditi elementi tecnici, esempi di realizzazioni, normativa. Inoltre, i numerosissimi particolari costruttivi, disegnati in scala e immediatamente utilizzabili dai progettisti, fanno di quest'opera una guida sicura e preziosa per la pratica professionale e per la progettazione.

Il Grande Atlante di Architettura si presenta come una completa enciclopedia delle costruzioni.


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